XY Sense captures occupancy data every 2 seconds - updating Space Connect booking systems in real-time.
XY Sense sensors able to detect whether a booked room, desk or space is actually being used. Unused space can be recorded as a no-show and updated via Space Connect to be made available for others to book and use.
Safely match supply and demand of bookable desks as people return to offices. XY Sense can signal Space Connect when a desk has been occupied and take those immediately adjacent offline.
Integrations with e-labels on desks can also make it simpler for people to find their booked desk (or avoid one in use.)
XY Sense’s smart sensor can monitor social distancing in real time, sending a signal to Space Connect if two or more people are within 2m of one another for longer than 1 minute.
This makes it possible to monitor and act on social distancing breaches in real-time as well as incorporate COVID-19 safety reporting into Space Connect analytics views.
XY can provide precise usage data to Space Connect, indicating all of the areas that have had traffic on a floor in a given day, down to the desk level, to optimise cleaning costs.
Forensically clean and sanitise the 50 desks that have been used today, instead of the 200+ on a given floor.
Combine space booking data with actual utilisation data to understand space usage trends, behaviours and patterns as workers start to return to offices.
Use this powerful combined dataset to inform post-COVID workplace strategies & space redesign.